Fullness of life for every child
Your donations will bring hope to children in Kenya, Central America, and places where natural disaster and conflict strike. For the new fiscal year 2024, beginning October 1st, our goal is $300,000. Thanks to our many friends, we exceeded our FY24 goal, reaching $311,429 ! Thank you to everyone who prayed, served, and contributed! These gifts will become a great blessing to the children and families we serve. We thank God for each one of our partners!
Many of our donors enjoy the convenience of giving a monthly recurring gift. You can choose this option when you click Donate Today. (Note: you will see two options as you check out—the one marked Columbia-Willamette WOV goes toward our chapter projects and goals. The one marked World Vision fund goes to other good work but does not apply toward our specific projects.) All gifts are tax-deductible and guaranteed to impact the lives of children and families who will likely never know your name but will be forever grateful. Thank you for joining with us to bring life in all its fullness to children in great need. We pray you find joy in the giving! You can give online with a credit card, or you may also mail a check to World Vision headquarters made out to "World Vision/Women of Vision." To assure that your gift is used for our chapter projects, please note "CWWOV" on your memo line. Mail it to: Women of Vision/World Vision Incoming Mail MS 110 PO Box 9716 Federal Way, WA 98063-9716 |
Gifts received so far in FY25! |
If you're giving from a donor-advised or charitable gift fund, please use the address above.
If you'd like to make a gift of stock, please email [email protected] for specific instructions.
For charitable funds and stock gifts, please be sure to designate your gift for the "World Vision projects supported by Columbia-Willamette Women of Vision (source code 1303250)."
If you'd like your gift to be given in honor of a special person in your life, please send us a separate email, Treasurer, after you make your online (or other) gift stating the following: your name and address, the honored person's name and address. We will let that person/family know of your gift, keeping the amount anonymous unless you otherwise direct us. If you are mailing us a check, please include a note with this information along with your check to remind us.
If you have any questions, please contact our Treasurer. Thank you!