Upcoming Events
February Education Event
Please join us:
February 22, 2025 9 to 11 a.m. at Columbia Presbyterian Church Presenting special guest, World Vision's Torrey Olsen "A Catalyst for Change: The Empowered Worldview" We hope you can join us! (Women only please.) A light breakfast will be served. CLICK HERE to learn more and RSVP! |
Share the Light Gala
Please put this date on your calendar and plan to join us for our
2025 Share the Light Gala Benefit Changed Lives Sunday, April 13, 2025 5 p.m. Abernethy Center 605 15th Street, Oregon City We're excited to welcome Kari Costanza as our featured speaker. Kari is Senior Editorial Manager in the communications department of World Vision, U.S. She writes, speaks, produces videos, and creates experiences for the organization. She has traveled extensively for World Vision, covering stories about water, health, economic empowerment, Christian discipleship, child protection, emergency response, education, and child sponsorship. Prior to joining World Vision in 1995, Kari worked for 10 years as a news producer at television stations around the United States, including stations in Seattle. She is also known as World Vision's Chief Storyteller! Tickets are on sale now! Click the SHOP button! |
Women of Vision in Action

Women of Vision knows that life can be very hard for children and families in our own local communities. This is why Women of Vision in Action teams serve locally to make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable close to home.
Join us on March 6 as we serve homeless men and women alongside The Salvation Army.
CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up!
Archive of recent events

2024 Fall Kick-Off
October 19, 2024
Willamette Christian Church
Our program introduced us to three courageous girls who were empowered through World Vision's strategic compassionate work in the name of Christ.
Share the Light 2024
Hope Changes Lives We enjoyed an amazing evening hearing from Margo Day on April 14, 2024 at the Abernethy Center. Margo has traveled to Kenya with World Vision over 20 times to support the Kenya Big Dream project. She is passionate about this work and her enthusiasm is contagious and inspiring. |
Journey to Hope On Saturday morning, February 10, 2024, we embarked on a Journey to Hope at Columbia Presbyterian Church in Vancouver. We traveled to places around the world where friends and partners like you are helping World Vision bring hope and healing to children and families living in extreme poverty. |
2023 Fall Kick-Off
Women of Vision Then and Now: Finding Hope in Our History On October 14, 2023, we gathered with friends, new and old, to celebrate 25 years of impact as a chapter of Women of Vision. We enjoyed a sweeping review of our history together. Then we had the pleasure of hearing from Gilbert Kamanga, National Director, World Vision Kenya. |
Share the Light 2023
We gathered on April 16 at the Multnomah Athletic Club for a delicious dinner, special music, a fresh new raffle concept, learning from Margaret Schuler, World Vision's Chief Impact Officer, and a chance to equip young people through our giving for a promising future. Thank you to all who joined us! |
A Midsummer Night's Share the Light Gala
Sunday evening, August 7th, 2022 It was a lovely evening. Thank you to all our friends who came and celebrated, prayed and gave. We were inspired by Sean Kerrigan's insightful message. Courtney Temple and Judi Mittelstaedt blessed us with joyful music. It was an evening that touched our hearts and connected us to children in Syria, Honduras, and Kenya.
Refugee Women:
Sharing from the Heart Saturday, May 21, 2022 No one dreams they will ever become a refugee. One day life is normal, and the next, everything changes in an instant as it did for our featured guest, a young mother from Chernihiv, Ukraine. Her family arrived in Portland in March 2022. We had the special privilege of talking with her in person on May 21st. We also heard stories of a refugee women from amongst the Rohingya and a woman who fled Syria. |
HOPE FOR HONDURAS with Nadia Castro
Nadio Castro of World Vision Honduras shared an update on the Hope for Honduras work on February 12, 2022. Click here to view a recording of the event. Click here for a list of prayer requests for Honduras. |
KENYA Project Communication and ConversationWomen of Vision presented an update on the Kenya Big Dream project on November 13, 2021.
Click here to view a recording of the event. |
2021 Fall Kick-OffWorld Vision International Global WASH Sector Lead Ray Norman joined us on October 2, 2021.
Click here for a recording of the program. |
Syria Field BriefingWe enjoyed an update on the work of World Vision in Syria and the surrounding countries on May 22, 2021. A highlight was the conversation with Cindy Mesko, National Women of Vision Director, and Jill Sherman, seasoned Columbia-Willamette Women of Vision leader and traveler, as they shared their experiences meeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
Click here for the recording of that conversation. |
Share the Light 2021 Virtual Gala
Rich and Reneé Stearns were our special guests for Share the Light 2021 on April 24th. They continue to be passionate ambassadors for ending extreme poverty and injustice so children can live life in all its fullness. You may view the recording of the event here. |
Hope for Honduras
The Hope for Honduras event with World Vision's Christopher Shore took place on February 6th, 2021. You may view the recording here. |
Kenya Field Briefing
This event took place on: Saturday, November 14, 2020 You may view the recording here. |
Columbia-Willamette Fall Kickoff: HOPE WINS!
Columbia-Willamette Women of Vision introduced our plans for the coming year at our annual Kickoff on September 26, 2020. While the global pandemic continues to cause much uncertainty, we are unwavering in our mission to bring hope to a hurting world. If you missed the event, we're providing a link to the recording. Click here. |